Historic Preservation
NYC landmarks Preservation and State Historic Preservation Office filings are two services JPD has provided on a regular basis over the past 20+ years. Additionally, JPD has prepared the requisite documentation for historic tax credit filings as well.
For the most part, filings have been for buildings located in historic districts with a limited number of landmarked structures. Whether a building in an historic district or a landmarked building, JPD has thus far, without exception, been able to secure the desired outcome.
Anyone who has ever dealt with NYCLPC and/ or SHPO knows the application and approval process for both is a road rife with one hurdle after another. Through ingenuity and a practical approach, JPD was able to get an approval for metal clad wood windows with straight glass after initially being told only solid wood windows with curved glass would be acceptable. In another instance, JPD was allowed to demolish a straight run of exterior stairs and replace it with a curved run after initially being told a straight run consistent with a historical photograph would have to be erected. In the case of an actual landmarked building, JPD was able to secure approvals for several interventions that many said would never be approved such as two (2) new stairs with bulkheads that could be seen from the street. All of that to say – JPD has an intimate understanding of both NYCLPC and SHPO’s application review and approval processes. This intimate understanding allows JPD to effectively navigate both with ease, and most importantly, JPD is able to make cogent arguments that result in JPD’s desired outcome.
Once the application is approved, JPD monitors all work to ensure all construction work adheres to the approval, mock-ups are created when appropriate and documented and approved in a timely manner as not to delay the construction process. Once all work is completed, all documentation is immediately submitted so that a Notice of Compliance can be issued.